Updating Published SuAVE Visualization
- Make sure you are the owner or an admin to the SuAVE visualization you wish to update.
- Locate the gallery in the SuAVE gallery, and click edit.
- Click on “Settings”.
Now, choose from the following on what you would like to update:
- If you want to update/add the Netvis file, go under “Manage Netvis” and either upload the Netvis files or URLs.
- If you want to update the variables, click “Edit Variables” and change the desired variables.
- If you want to update the survey description, go under “Describe Survey” and update the description.
- If you want to update the gallery’s dataset, go under “Relink CSV” and enter the new CSV URL.
- If you want to replace an image you added to the DZGen file or update the file in general, go here.
- If you do not have this link, go to https://dzgen.sdsc.edu/upload/. Upload the photos that correlate to the dataset, include your email, click “file server”, and then hit submit. Soon, the URL will be in sent to the email you provided.
- If the visualization is tied to a Limesurvey questionnaire and you would like to update the responses, you can go to https://limesurvey.sdsc.edu/limesurvey-update/ (username is lsadmin and password is VocalMimic), enter the survey ID for the questionnaire, and click ‘submit’. This will update the response in the Google Sheet.