Adding a Jupyter Notebook of a SuAVE Visualization
A basic overview is given here, but follow the step-by-step guide below.
- Make sure you have a verified account with NRP Nautilus. If you do not, create an account here and request access to NRP Nautilus services with that verified academic email here.
- Make sure you have access to the specific NRP Nautilus JupyterHub. If you do not, request for access from the administrator by emailing
- Craft the correct URL; it should be in the following format: email/notebooks/jupyter-suave/SuaveDispatch.ipynb?surveyurl=survey URL&user=user&csv=CSV tied to visualization¶ms=none&dzc=DZC URL. An example is provided below.
- Example:¶ms=none&dzc=
- To get the survey URL: navigate to the SuAVE visualization and open it. Copy the URL at the top of the page.
- To get the user: This should be whoever created the SuAVE visualization. This field is not that important, but
- To get the CSV: Within the link to the survey, there should be an argument that says file=. Copy what comes after it until .csv. In the case above, within the survey URL is file=joeykaminsky2_Tester_13.csv, so csv=joeykaminsky2_Tester_13.csv.
- To get the DZC URL: Navigate to the gallery view of SuAVE surveys. Click on “Edit” then “Settings” for the survey of interest. Scroll down to “Image Definition Link” and copy the URL.
- Next, copy the URL you have created and run it in a web browser. It should populate the SuAVE Dispatch notebook with information pertaining to the particular survey (as seen from running the code cell in step 2).
- Run all the code; this will add the survey to the Jupyter Hub.
- Finally, go back to the SuAVE gallery view of visualizations and go back to the “Settings” of the particular survey. Here, enable public “Jupyter” view and hit “submit”.
Adding a Jupyter Notebook of a SuAVE Image Gallery
Follow all the steps from Adding a Jupyter Notebook of a SuAVE Visualization except step 3 (crafting the URL). Instead, do the following:
The URL should be in the following format: email/notebooks/jupyter-suave/SuaveDispatch.ipynb?user=user&csv=CSV tied to gallery¶ms=none&dzc=DZC URL&surveyurl=Image Gallery URL
- Example:¶ms=none&dzc=
- To get the DZC URL: Navigate to the gallery view of SuAVE surveys. Click on “Edit” then “Settings” for the survey of interest. Scroll down to “Image Definition Link” and copy the URL.
- To get the user: This should be whoever created the SuAVE visualization. This field is not that important, but
- To get the CSV: Within the link to the survey, there should be an argument that says file=. Copy what comes after it until .csv. In the case above, within the survey URL is file=joeykaminsky2_Tester_13.csv, so csv=joeykaminsky2_Tester_13.csv.
- To get the survey URL: navigate to the SuAVE visualization and open it. Copy the URL at the top of the page.
Accessing a Jupyter Notebook Tied with a SuAVE Visualization
- Navigate to the desired SuAVE visualization.
- Select the Jupyter Hub logo in the top right (with all the view options).
- If you do not see this option, you will have to add the Jupyter Notebook tied to the SuAVE visualization to the Jupyter Hub.
- Select the NRP Nautilus server and hit “Connect”.
- Once you are approved to access the Jupyter Hub (if needed), you will be able to access the Jupyter Notebook tied to the SuAVE visualization.